Our practice is committed to helping our patients as they deal through perimenopause and menopause. In the male patient this is sometimes referred to as “andropause”. We are committed to helping both male and female patients navigate these phases of their life.
For our female patients this may involve supplementation with estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. Treatment may include pills, creams, or possibly pellets. Hormone replacement therapy can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and reduce her risk for other conditions as she ages.
We offer bio-identical pellet hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. We have been a certified BioTe provider since the inception of the company, and have being doing pellet therapy since 2012. Bio-identical pellet therapy are hormones made from natural plant substances and are in the form the body is used to processing. It is individualized hormone therapy with dosing based on each individual patient.
We also offer patients various other types of hormone therapies to help them navigate through menopause.
Contact our office if you are interested in learning about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy.
BioTe benefits both men and women! Click here to learn more,